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Yonex VCore 100 Tennis Racket Fiery Scarlet Frame OnlyGreat control without lacking power

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Yonex Ezone 100 Tennis Racket Aqua Night Frame OnlyAdd power and comfort to your game

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Yonex Ezone 98 Tennis Racket Aqua Night Frame OnlyDominate the court with power and comfort

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Yonex VCore 98 Tennis Racket Sand Beige Frame OnlyUpdated design for increased precision

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Yonex VCore 98 Tennis Racket Fiery Scarlet Frame OnlyUpdated design for increased precision

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Yonex VCore 100L Tennis Racket Fiery Scarlet Frame OnlyGreat choice for intermediate players!

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Yonex Ezone 100 L Tennis Racket Aqua Night Frame OnlyLight weight for easy playability

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Yonex VCore 100 Tennis Racket Sand Beige Frame OnlyGreat control without lacking power

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Yonex Percept 100D Tennis Racket Frame OnlyFor the competitive players looking for high precision

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Yonex Percept 100L Tennis Racket Frame OnlyLight weight, manoeuvrable racket with high precision

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Yonex VCore 98L Tennis Racket Fiery Scarlet Frame OnlyCombine power and control

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Yonex VCore 100L Tennis Racket Sand Beige Frame OnlyGreat choice for intermediate players!

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Yonex Percept 97 Tennis Racket Frame OnlyIdeal choice for the advanced, precision player