How To Choose The Correct Tennis Racket Grip Size

It is important to choose the correct size grip when buying a tennis racket in order to prevent strains and injuries and also so that the racket feels comfortable to hold and play with.
Tennis racket grip sizes are measured using numbers 1-5 and we also specify the grip sizes using the American inch measurement method i.e. the number 4, followed by a fraction.
If you are able to try out different racket grip sizes then the easiest way to select the right size is to hold the racket in your normal forehand grip. You should then be able to fit in a finger from your other hand which will touch both your palm and the tips of your fingers.
Tennis racket grip sizes/measurements available are shown below. The grip sizes convert from US sizes to UK sizes as follows with size 1 being the smallest and Grip size 5 being the largest:
- 4 1/8" = 1
- 4 1/4" = 2
- 4 3/8" = 3
- 4 1/2" = 4
- 4 5/8" = 5
Junior tennis rackets offer a very limited selection of grip sizes, though as juniors are still growing it is best to go for a slightly larger grip if you are between sizes.
You can make a grip larger by about 1/8" ie one size by using an overwrap grip.